Charity, yes or no?
Yes and no!
Yes, because I would like to support the work of associations and organizations, which take care of children and following generations, which have to fight with war experiences.
Like for example this association: Chance to Grow e.V. | Für Kinder in Vietnam! Even today, children are born with disabilities in Vietnam because of the lingering effects of the use of Agent Orange.
I find the work for the children of displaced Tibetans just as important: For The Children: TIBETAN CHILDREN'S VILLAGE - Dharmasala, India
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, I would like to support the Peter Maffay Stiftung, which takes in mothers and children from the crisis area. Furthermore, funds should go to the #WeAreAllUkrainians g GmbH, which is currently implementing large aid projects in Ukraine, such as the Hope & Healing Center, where children are also psychologically cared for.
Furthermore, facilities of the Salvation Army are to be supported, which also offer aid programs for Syria, Mali, South Sudan and other regions that are or were also affected by wars.
Also countries, which are almost completely out of the focus, because one hears nothing of the aftermath of the war, such as Eritrea, should receive support, such as Kinderhilfe Eritrea e. V.
No, because I would like that the action does not run completely as a volunteer work!
Eckart von Hirschhausen summed it up perfectly the other day, that it is hard to save the world voluntary, while others destroy it full-time!
If the armament industry had to manufacture weapons voluntarily, then we would have no weapons!
If the soldier had to do his work voluntarily, we would have no soldiers.
As soon as less money flows to the armament industry and to soldiers and more into peace actions, people can choose for whom they want to invest their working/life time.
That is why I would like everyone to be paid for their work. Of course it would be nice if world stars could meet us with their fees.