Esotericism or physics? Physics!
I am an absolute fan of physics! Like Nikola Tesla, I am fascinated by understanding energy, vibration and frequency.
As a small child I disassembled radios to better understand how such a "miracle" could work. When I started school, I couldn't do math or read, but I could already build electric circuits! 😉
Spirituality (which shows itself with me above all by humility to be allowed to be part of this wonderful like mysterious planet)Â
appeals to me, esotericism does not.
I like quite the quotation: "The first sip from the cup of the natural science makes atheistic, but on the bottom of the cup God waits!" It's often attributed to Nobel Prize-winning physicist Werner Heisenberg, though it doesn't appear to be his, but either way it's thought-provoking.
It was probably the physics - exactly the quantum physics - which supplied the esotericism "proof strength". Physical phenomena, which can be already proved, but not yet explained for all tangibly, e.g. like entanglement, have contributed their part to it.
And also a quantum teleportation sounds quite like science fiction and Star Trek Enterprise, but the Nobel prize winner for physics Anton Zeilinger could already register numerous breakthroughs in this field.
The esoteric scene is fascinated by consciousness. I feel the same way! But differently!
When I hear from the esoteric scene that human brains have "entangled" according to quantum physics, my hair stands on end! If one accepts the term of entanglement as it is meant in physics, it would mean that two "entangled" people do exactly the same at the same time. If therefore the one "entangled" person raises the arm, then according to this conception the other person "entangled" with him would have to raise the arm also SIMULTANEOUS (therefore faster than light speed), independently of whether he wanted this or not. He MUST do it and does it accordingly also. I would not want to open this Pandora's box ...
I like what Anton Zeilinger once said in an interview concerning the discussion of consciousness and physics: "With consciousness - there really the people argue about it! Is it only an epiphenomenon of a sufficiently complex information processing apparatus - namely the brain. Or is it more? In both cases the question arises: Do we need quantum physics at all to understand what is going on up there in our heads, do we get along with classical physics or do we perhaps even need a physics which we have not found yet? Because there are people who think that in sufficiently complex systems we have new laws which cannot be explained by reduction to the single component. That is completely open! That's one of the most exciting questions you can ask!"
I could imagine that classical physics is sufficient to explain phenomena - as they were found in the studies of the 80s.Â
Energy can act when it is detected and picked up/processed by an "antenna". Conscious/focused/concentrated thought involves a tiny but measurable exchange of energy. Brain-computer interfaces have long taken advantage of this fact.Â
The Peace Experiment works with conscious/focused/concentrated thinking! What happens thereby interests me from a purely physical point of view! Maybe we find a so far unknown "antenna" ... Or at the end we come across new laws of nature or nevertheless on God ... what I would not like to exclude ...
But the fact that bumblebees, for example, unerringly fly only to flowers filled with nectar, remained mysterious until one discovered that also here physics has its hand in the game in the form of electricity.Â
Who knows what we will find ...Â
In any case, I am curious!Â